Monday 14 March 2016

"Loved Ones" in aquarelle watercolours

After 4 weeks of practice we were ready for the real thing - painting the portraits of 'a loved one'!
Below some that are (more or less) finished, others are not yet far enough advanced and I'll show them next time! Now enjoy the different styles - and the love and dedication with which these portraits are created!
 Celina's übercute portrait of her daughter (when she was little). 
She's working on the grown-up version -in a very cool style- hopefully I can show it next week

 Laila's loved one Gijs! He was present and patiently posed for this portrait...

Anna-Karin is working on a mega interesting and intelligent series of portraits based on herself.
This is my (and everybody's) loved one!!

 Christiane's daughter with her truly hearty laugh

 Sylvie started a delicate watercolour of her daughter Clara - also with a hearty laugh

And Liz painted a very special and outspoken portrait of her daughter. Marvellous - and true to her style.

 Beautiful innocent and clever young boy - grandson of Michele

 What a character! This little nephew of Andrée, has such a happy view on life

It is not very modest, bit it's such a well painted portrait, by Sandra. Of me and I love it!

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