Monday 11 November 2019

Collage and Watercolours

In 2010 we did a project of creating a watercolour, painted around a strip of paper, torn from a magazine. Above the wonderful result painted by Bibbi...

If you want to see what we did at that time, click the following links:
And almost 10 years later we tried it again. It definitely set everybody's imagination at work -and at the same time it was quite a challenge to achieve colours as full and dark as in the magazine strips! Have a look at the results:

Jutta's collage has a perfect composition and it is difficult to see where the photo stops and the painting begins. Well done!

Michele is not quite finshed with her still life - but it is so cleverly done - and it has a classic look about it.

Sylvie D. as always with an original take on the subject! 3 little Asians in a mysterious, hazy and eastern landscape.

This dreamy, misty landscape has a photo in it! It is hard to see where, such a good job done by Glen.

 Not finished and I may be able to post the next version next blog - but  How Gorgeous already! What an atmosphere. Super Sue

Unbelievable that this was Cari's second watercolour ever! Awesome. 
We stuck it on a frame to make it look extra finished. Worked. So proud!

Marie-Françoise has used her imagination, it has become quite a touching picture with the two angelic figures who make contact! A fantastic job also in getting the colours right by the way...

And then there were the 'other subjects':
Jutta's autumn leaves, finished! They are so colourful - and light and dry, it looks like the wind is just blowing them away...

Michele has finished her velvet pumpkin. It is so rich and soft!

Sonya painted with us while traveling and created these two lovely Halloween pictures. They are amazing and does she have imagination or what!?

Liz finished her fountain and wasn't too pleased with it. Well - look at those details and decide if she is right 😆

Same for Cathie - she just painted a fountain for the fun of it, not as a masterpiece. But the details show so much wonderful stuff!

Sonya did the 'transparancy'exercise and added a suitcase and a (clearly velvet) cushion. A lovely picture!

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