Monday 2 November 2015

Wolves, Flowers and Fruit - Tuesday 27 October - Zen Watercolour afternoon in the Hangar

Really Stunning Tulips by Sandra
Music - check, Tea - Check, Cookies - Check! On top of that Agnès brought Cider-with-not-so-much-alcohol and fabulous coconut cake for her birthday. All that, combined with a group of enthusiastic users of our transparent watery flowy capricious medium - what can go wrong... Nothing! Everything was exactly right - and better. (is that possible?) Here's what we did that afternoon:
 Unwrapped Pears by Cathie

 Amazing Still Life by Liz - she created this watercolour while managing the plumbers in her house 2 weeks ago. Now that's the right kind of multi-tasking!
On that date (Liz missed out) we had a visit from a man who fights for the protection of wolves in our area.

He had 2 real ones in the back of his car (very friendly, we were allowed to pet them - but huge, and dangerous if you don't know how to handle them). This was very impressive and of course it inspired some of us!

 She-wolf in the snow by Edith - what a character!

 Almost finished - wolf peeking through the birches by Liz
Foxy wolf by Agnes 

Funny to see that if you add the colour red to the fur of the wolf, it becomes foxy! I'm sure it is the brain that does that :)

The starter group was not allowed to be inspired, they had to work on the layers-exercise: Create this view from the river in 4 layers... First the sky with stars (dark blue and leave out the stars - difficult!)
Wait until dry, then colour the orange layer for the windows and the river. Leave out whites for the reflection of the stars... When dry, paint the buildings, leaving out orange squares and rectangles to suggest illuminated windows, and then create light waves in the water leaving out the reflecion of the stars...
They did really well!!
 Sylvie's creation after 3 layers. She has painted a 'Paquebot' instead of a city. Do you see it?

 Cora did a very good job here. She is now working with us from Italy and as soon as she's settles in she will send pics of her results!
Carol's lovely painting - with reflection of the stars scratched out. Great effect!
 (funny how all three are done exactly the same way and all three are still so different)

Next time another layer-exercise, with more room for imagination. Linda and Carol have already started, and their paintings look very promising! Watch this space for more next week!

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