Monday 15 February 2016

Simple Symbols...

 In preparation for the portrait workshop, we worked with fine grain paper last time (Usually we work on rough grain or 'torchon' paper). I had no possibility to print so I came up with just a couple of words, borrowed from a 'personality game',  for everyone to paint.
These are the words: desert, cube, ladder, horse, flowers, storm...
 These words are all a symbol for something and I am not giving anything away, because it is such fun to find out for yourself. If you want to know more, google Oliver Emberton cube test, that's where I've picked up the idea!
Of course in your mind you are free to imagine everything, but when you actually paint the subjects, you are looking for solutions and you have to take into account the proportions of your paper, colours that work, and a way of using the technique
  - so it is a bit of psychology, but also taste and especially working with the limitations of the medium.
Anyway - you can see in the pictures how different, incredibly clever, original, resourceful and colourful we all are...
 Next time we will dive into the difficulties and excitement of portrait painting in aquarelle! Can't wait to see what will happen...

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