Monday 23 November 2020

Evening dresses in Watercolours

The first dress to arrive in my mailbox, is this lovely, elegant chiffon, beads and paillettes.
So delicately painted in soft turquoise and designed, or maybe owned by Michele. Good shadow too!

What a fun theme we had in our 12th 'Evening Gowns' Challenge... Already a couple of fantastic evening dresses came in - and more will follow I am sure! The red dresses are popular with the Aquarellistas - one wonders why, must have to do with the need for bright and colourful, or their strong characters and determination 💥or maybe because Christmas is near...

Voluptuous dress by Sonya, the black beads of the top and the draped dark red velvet so beautifully represented. And the leg is fantastic too. Well done!

This heavy velvet gown with golden embroidery comes from Ingrid (from the Adrets group) who works with us from Switzerland right now, coming back to France after the lockdown. As you can see she is very clever with the use of masking fluid!

This dress was painted by Sue. For the satin shine effect, she added white watercolour pencil, a great idea! The painting has such depth - and do I see correctly that she held back a bit in 'wildness'? 😊

Vanessa  was inspired by the same picture - but you can only deduct that from the pose of the model.
Both are wonderful paintings and I keep finding it an amazing surprise that you all have such different expressions and styles!

Amelia, daughter of Sonya and much loved occasional participant of our group was inspired by the 'design your evening gown' challenge and she did a fantastic job on a dress that I personally would love to have! Simple and colourful - and have you seen the piping, flowing from light grey to almost black! Love it!

And last but not least, a design for a dress, by Sonya! I'd love to see it in inspired colours!

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