Monday, 10 October 2016

Autumn in Aquarelle (and more of course)

It was International Animal's day, Halloween is around the corner and it gets colder outside, even in the South of France... Autumn is coming!

At least one animal was spoilt that Tuesday - Cathies big pup Beau came along and got so many cuddles and cookies and general attention that he became almost shy (almost...)

 Beau was the only real animal inside, but two aquarellistas were inspired by the subject! Above you see a pair of elephants bathing in a hazy atmosphere, painted by Sylvie

And here are two watercolours of owls who disappear in the background! A fantastic idea of Liz - there's so much in here! From research on which colours work best, to abstract patterns to optical illusion (and of course animal's day)

Autumn - chestnuts in an abstract background, clearly in Anna-Karin's brush strokes

More chestnuts & leaves, by Elia... So sorry for the crappy picture - the painting is very good and subtle and not at all blurred!

Tana introduced the chestnuts into her still life of the vase and they blended in perfectly! Well done!

Tricia proceeded with her still life and gave it more value and more to look at!! Super cool...

And then of course there was some work outside our many themes and still lives:

 This fan-tas-tic sunny portrait by Brenda of her grandson 
(picture doesn't do it justice - real thing even better)

 Grapes by Anna-Karin now finished - what an absolutely great picture, that light! I love it!

Sylvie's levitating Buddha - monk's work with all that bamboo, but near-finalized now and very impressive (and Zen)

And last but not least, Elia's antique wine cask - handle! Now perfected and finished. Bravo!

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