Monday, 13 February 2017

Bold, Bald & Patterns - good watercolour subjects

Good painting work by Michele C! The eyes really 'look' at you...

The subject du jour was 'Bald heads' and 'do something with them'. Stripes, patterns, tattoos... It worked out fine - so here are the results, of a lovely and concentrated small group of Aquarellistas:

 Liz left the bald head as it was and put the stripes in the background. Very arty effect!

 This is Agnès'painting, inspired by Nathalie Portman (who totally gets away with 'bold') - have a close look at the salt effect on the scalp!!!

Elia painted her version of Sinead O'Connor - with cubist colourings! 

The person who created the bald and bold painting above did not like the result at all, and I appreciate that, yet, this portrait is so strong and spontaneous that I still want to show it to our readers!! And hope you get to work in this way too from time to time: it is not always about the result!!

Anna-Karin 'patterned' a bowl still life - and believe me, the original is even better! The light is amazing...

Because the group was so small I had time to also get some work done in between making tea and trying to get the CD player to work... Thank you Brigitte for the picture!

this is a study for the portrait of Joseph Bermond, a previous mayor of Valbonne. It is some time ago that he had that role: his granddaughter lives next to Brigitte. She is 84 years old 😁

 Michele C. finished the Rooster and his girlfriend - Fan-Tas-Tique! Love the shadows, such a sunny picture!

 Elia added a little bit more colour and defined her 2017 bloody Rooster a bit more. 
Very good strong painting!
 Anna Karin finished her Albino painting - very well done, true to her style and quite lively for a still life

And last but by no means least - the fabulously delicate pen and inkpot by Cathie. Amazing work as always!

 Brigitte has worked hard on three exercises! Two of them in this post. Above the spheres, now with very convincing, strong-light shadows, and below the layers-exercise:
 Very cleverly done with the white reflection (of the stars) in the orange layer. You may also notice a change in the windows in the picture on the right. And coming session  a bit more 'randomness' needs to be added to the calm water... But all in all, well understood and well executed!!
Next session it's Valentine's day - so watch this space, as deeply romantic works will be created by everyone I'm sure 💗💕💔💓(or NOT!)

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