Monday, 10 April 2017

Spring & more...

 Perfect apple blossom in the recognizable style of Anna-Karin

The weather is getting better everyday, spring is in the air and the sun is shining! You can see it from our watercolours - last Aquarellista session was mainly about blossom and inspiration from the colourful Holi festival (which celebrates spring, with an explosion of colours). Of course there were also projects to be finished - and exercises of the starters... See here what we created:

Blossom in the recognizable style of Carol... So much depth in it!!

It is also spring on the Place des Arcades in Valbonne - here's an aquarelle by Agnès our 'hobbysketcher' - she nailed the buzzing atmosphere!

Holi Fest

Holi Festival - participant with colour-covered face. Believable! Well done by André.
You can look forward to the one Elia started, I have promised her to leave it out of this post - it is very spontaneous and active. More next week hopefully

Indian Ladies celebrating Holi - and gossiping at the same time if you ask me. And having fun. I love this painting by Liz.

 The last exercise the starters have to do is painting an eye. Starting with the iris and pupil. Of course a highlight. That's the same principle as the sphere and as you can see it poses no problems in all possible colours. The next step is two eyes. A bit more difficult, symmetry; distance - but both Michele and Brigitte did very well! And now they are almost ready for the free subjects. A bit of playing with masking fluid and then they really know everything there is to know - in theory of course, but the experience will come. It has gone very fast!
Michele's worksheet with irises, skincolour practise and the mask. The blue eyes looking a bit surprised still, but the next one makes more than up for that. I find it very very good:

Michele's eyes. So wonderfully subtle with the masking fluid fantasy around it!

Brigitte's eye exercise. The pair of eyes with skin colour are very good - the ones behind the mask may be a bit surprised... But the mask itself is very good!

Still Life 

Tana worked another round on her still life, added some contrast and created a 'whole' with a quite dramatic effect. Well painted - and I love the composition and the colours!

And last but not least, another Ink Bottle (1/3d full) by Carol. The photo doesn't do it justice, the real watercolour is truly impressive. I hope it will be in our Theoule expo!

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