Monday, 1 May 2017

A bottle with a story

For last week's still life we had a bottle of Bordeaux 1985: ' La Pissotière de l'Impératrice'. Old, dusty and great looking (but undrinkable - we've tried one) and with a story: Thanks to André we found out that Empress Josephine accompanied her husband Napoleon to the war and at some point she had to go for a wee. She chose the end of a Gironde vineyard and from that moment in 1809 the label reminds us of this historic stop. Anyway, it was a lovely bottle to paint:

 Patience - impressionist version
Marina: figurative version

Liz: expressionist version

André happily soldiered on with his pebbles, they are sunny and colorful (and a lot of work!) hopefully finished by next week...

 Celina made the background slightly darker - and look at the improvement in the before/after picture. She also worked on another Pebble composition - here they are, very different and both really fantastic!

 And last but not least, Cathie still experimenting with textures and materials - old, rusty and beautifully worn surfaces. Doing a great job that's for sure, here's a sneak preview of the latest...

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