Monday, 22 May 2017

Foam, Fantasy and Finished projects

Last Tuesday afternoon we had a very zen afternoon, with a still life of a leather bag and an umbrella. Baptised 'Mary Poppins bag' by the lovely Agnès in her well-read blog 'Hobbysketcher'.

Michele now belongs to the advanced group and after experimenting with all kinds of borders, she was looking forward to working with masking fluid. And look what that resulted in!! What a fabulous painting, I am very impressed and I hope to see many more versions...

This was the exercise du jour: use this card as inspiration. In whatever way you like...
Anna-Karin worked on it and created a truly fantastic painting. I'm impressed. Much better colours in real life, and that composition is so very very good, giving the feeling of endless space...

And the other brave artist who let herself be inspired was Elia. She used the ribbony shapes to create a face that looks in different directions. Not finished but already beautiful - and delicate - and surrealistic (of course)

Sandra is working on a series where wet colour brushstrokes are combined with writing. I am very enthusiastic about it - it is really something else, intelligent and it looks amazing!

Cathie took inspiration from last week's still life with the old suitcase and started a new challenge with the texture of old leather... can't wait to see it finished!

Liz finished the perfume bottle still life (sorry! no picture, next week hopefully) and worked on the mirror-with-cherries. In her typical  direct style. Nailed it!

Brenda 'washed in' one of her sketches from Lucca and inserted the exactly right atmosphere!

And Celina finished her composition with melon slices - a mouthwatering festival with  complementary colours...

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