Monday, 23 October 2017

Pits and Seeds - a great subject for watercolours!

 Chinese Lantern, an awesome painting by Elia!

Nature is always such a great subject...There are countless possibilities to inspire, and an Aquarellista can see it 'abstract' and 'figurative'. Today we had pits and seeds, both in a still life and with pictures...

This painting by Carole is so subtle, well-observed and creative! Somehow it is also very much about reproduction - as seeds should...

Sylvie D. bravely painted this enlarged pollen on the very rough paper and created a very interesting painting, doing the paper justice!

'Not a strawberry' by Brenda - you will see next time what it actually is...😃

There were more paintings, after the still life, but I did not take pictures. So, next week probably...  Luckily I did photograph some of the other projects:

The cute nesting dolls by Celina - now finished. They have so much expression. I see two sisters, a bit afraid of the outside world, but coping because they have each other. What do you see?

Cathie's bells - now finished, they are SO GOOD!

And a potential new series 'old paint tubes' Cathie is still in doubt, I am not - I think it is a worthy follow-up on the 'old brushes' series she was so successful with. TBD!

Anna-Karin used the very rough torchon paper to experiment a bit further. She found out that it doesn't hold one type of masking tape too well... (the grey border). I'm pretty sure she will use this for something interesting. You wait and see...

Patience worked on our regular Arches Torchon for the powerful painting of a Dutch landscape (Keukenhof-like, with tulips and a windmill).
She also finished her nesting dolls:

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