Monday 23 March 2020

Purple Yellow watercolours during our Corona Lockdown

 An oldie by Jutta - her 'Alladin' painting, She used the complementary colours and it shows the gold very well!

Hopefully you read this in good health. And hopefully you are not too lonely or bored. I can proudly say that despite these times of Covid-19 isolation, the Aquarellistas are going strong... We still work together on one theme, only now via internet. Last week we used purple and yellow, for whatever subject. Two complementary colours that bring each other out. There were all kinds of different ways everybody used them. Here are some results, and more will follow in the coming weeks I'm sure...!

 Beautiful irises, with yellow and violet. Also by Jutta!

Fantastic work by Michele! She created a watercolour o a stunning dress to match the golden dancing shoes she painted last week...

 Anna Karin used the complementary colours for two completely different paintings, above an awesome sunrise, that yellow is so bright! and below a more intellectual approach. It is amazing how clear the distance between the 'stairs' is because of the use of purple. (And note that the mix gives a beautiful warm grey...

And last but not least I plucked this cute little yellow bike with a purple background from Randi's instagram account. Promising her blistering criticism - but I can't! It is just so lovely...

If you have your own version of a 'Purple and Yellow' painting, don't hesitate to send it to me! I will try to write something every week, about your works or about a related subject, like 'complementary colours'.
To be continued!

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