The official subject I proposed for last Tuesday was 'Optical Illusions II' and there were exactly 0 takers 😃. Luckily previous weeks' Gems were still hot - and led to marvellous paintings! Have a look for yourself!
Beautiful Opal, perfectly painted by Anna with a lot of freedom within that ellipse shape...
Judith wouldn't be Judith if she didn't play with the subject. Lots of praise from me for this original faceted gem!
Thecla tweaked her amazing ruby. Fabulous and realistic and painted with patience and a very fine brush.
Great work on this mother of pearl, by Anne!
The duo Corinne and Cloë-her-grand-daughter created a couple of very good stone-paintings! Above's the first one, a fab amethyst by Corinne

Little Cloë worked so concentrated on her golden Topaz! We were all proud of her and had a great moment when she took off the blue masking tape to reveal the white borders:
Martine painted stone, marble this time - and with very little little input. The background is actually amazing, fluid and with great shadows
This bright and clever Tulips-painting was created by Cloe, using Anna Karin's painting as inspiration!!
Anna Karin finished her Tulips. They are looking very good, very red and very green - colours that she usually avoids, but went out of comfort zone and look at that!
Of course her speciality is in other combinations - leading to these amazing magnolia blossoms...
And last but not least this little beauty , almost finished, the white of the foreground will get a bit of a shade. And that was it for now, Anna Karin is going to be in Sweden for a while. We shall miss her and look forward to being inspired by her in a couple of months!
Anne worked on the 'white' exercise, with masking fluid, lifting the colour and just leaving white. She did a good job on it and created a nice image in the process!!
And while all of the other stuff was drying, she doodled a fabulous sky:

Sylvie Had two painting disasters on this fabulous portrait of Twiggy. Blobs of that very bright turquoise green falling on the white. But I am sure that she will repair it and with adding the other eye no one will see it anymore. Makes it human!
Bev is back yay!
And she has not forgotten how to paint - see above portrait of the gorgeous puppy of her daughter!
This painting by Thecla is an optical illusion in the sense that you can see this as a wonderful and original abstract, but upon second view it turns out to be a stone wall, with one of those ventilation stones in the middle. Very original.
Anthony is our new guy, experienced drawer and watercolour painter - in a different style than ours, more like illustration! He let himself be inspired by everything around the Hangar, the sculptures, the trees, the cars and the animals!
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