Monday, 18 March 2024

Seahorses and other fab subjects in Watercolours

 Last week we got together with only a small group of Aquarellistas and we had a fabulous time, not only filled with painting, but also talking deeply, humming, eating cake and drinking ginger tea. It was so rewarding - and look what we created...

Michèle was there in spirit and created this fabulous seahorse ('Hippocampe' in French, love that word)

And how about this one, by Anna, so so cute. Technically well done also! with the light and the on-going background...

Anne's Hippocampe, what a beautiful guy.
He has a big belly so I guess he is about to give birth (as male seahorses do.

O and same for Thecla, well done with the fabulous background, the light and the beautiful transparent fin on her back

Next to the seahorse Anna also created an amazing birch tree painting, with such a good background!

Brenda, who is only here for a couple of days (but she will return in May!) painted the same subject, Different style but equally wonderful!

Sandra has finished the first Couleur Locale painting, for the Expo Project. The size is 50x50cm, pretty big for a watercolour, but this image stays interesting all over.

Thecla has worked on her natural sand-sculpture and it is now so interesting and surprising, the strong sharp shadows work really well.

And last but not least, the portraits of birds that Anne created at home, all by her lonesome. The winking owl and the slightly insecure peacock - they have lcharacter, well done!

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