Monday, 15 April 2024

Painting Dew Drops in watercolours

The Aquarellistas were at it again last week, with a small but talented and dedicated group. We painted Dew Drops, not super difficult in itself, and giving a wonderful effect! I gave a small introduction and demo on how to add a dew drop to a flower of another coloured surface, very similar to the 'spheres' but just a little bit different:

On an existing surface, paint an ellipse in a similar colour, and decide where the highlight will be. Make the colour darker (more pigment) there.

When it is dry, paint a dark sharp shadow underneath

With a (Stanley-)knife scratch away the paint where the highlight should be. Because that is the the colour of the paper, thus the lightest colour, it will become quite spectacular!

Fabulous painting and very well done on the light and transparent dewdrop by Anne

A foursome to be, by Anna Karin. Going to be so great!

Luckily Thecla became happier and happier with this fabulous bamboo with dew. Love it!

Charlie 'upped' a painting by adding a dewdrop. So delicate! and rather quick, as she painted 3 other works (below)

Elisabeth works with us from Sweden and missed the demo, but watched some YouTube instructions and look at this! Great stuff really well done. Looks like she aways paints 1  that is close to the example and 1 that is 'wild'. Love them both!

I did one too because there were not so many takers last week, so plenty of time. No masterpiece but I had great fun... It is a tomato 😀

As I mentioned already, Charlie was on a roll, next to a lovely dewdrop, she finished 2 gorgeous butterflies and started a new one (below) It is superb, also because it really jumps from the paper.

And also by Charlie, this butterfly with amazing colours. I also love the background! so lush and suppe and very watercolour!

And another productive individual - Judith. 
This is the start of something, that may lead to a completely different painting, or hardly change... Always exciting and you will see the result in due time. 

And she also has her other side, where she draws very precise, sweet portraits of dogs and children. Couldn't help myself, it is not watercolours but had to show them anyway. Lovely right?!

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