Monday, 27 November 2017

(Watercolour) ideas for Christmas cards

Not sure what led to this, but last week someone brought up the idea to create Xmas cards in watercolours and before we knew it, production had started. The Hangar will be a Xmas card factory on Tuesday afternoons. Well - part time, as all Aquarellistas have their other projects as well. A great combination!
I created a couple of examples:
A page with 8 'Reindeer' cards (idea from internet, there is so much out there). Masking fluid - brown blob (or thumb print)-remove masking, red nose, antlers, one page with 8 cards takes 15 minutes tops - make 80 cards in 2,5 hours... doable!

And here's what they might look like - add 'Merry Xmas' (or something else) and you have such an original card!. The card on the left is my idea, and just as easy, some drops of masking fluid, when dry, paint a 'tree' over it, remove masking and put in some colour:
A Christmas bauble always works...
Tree in masking fluid, dark background and then the unsurpassed 'golden feltpen'

Paint a tree - add stars and dots in gold/silver/glitter... add a wish - and done!

Liz' 4 try outs... she gave the Red-nosed Reindeer a lot of character

Michele C also worked on 4 types, I especially love the transparent turquoise bauble!

Michele F painted the same subject, in a different style - with amazing tree and bauble...
Apart from this production, everyone worked seriously on other paintings:
Liz started the still life (masking to be removed) of Xmas decoration on a mirror. Great style!
Michele C started a happy picture of a stylized Santa with a huge stack of presents
Michele F also finished this abstract painting inspired by nerve cells. I find it fantastic!!

Liz finished her sea monster painting - she deserves a better photo - but you get the idea and I guarantee you that it is very strong and has interesting light!!

 Cathie started with a still life of an old chair with a stack of (old) newspapers. Look at that chair! She used her 'signature' salt to make the surface a bit rough and worn - and is now working on the 'yellowed' paper... Can't wait to see it finished...

Same for the latest challenge in Sandra's 'Essence of' series, can't wait to see it finished. Can you already see who it is? Resemblance certainly there now!!

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