Monday, 4 December 2017

Wreaths in Watercolors

Last week the Aquarellistas painted wreaths. A lovely subject, with so many possibilities for expression! But first I would like to show you a painting by our own great watercolour artist Cathie. I would never have thought that a stack of newspapers would make my heart beat faster - but this one did:
Fan-tas-tic painting by Cathie. Please create more of this!!

Not yet completed but syunning in this stage already, Michele C.'s wreath! She's certainly on a roll...

Celina has been traveling for some time (and will again soon) but she came in last week and worked on her cell. She has really achieved a fantastic effect, I am a fan! Very well done. And it happens to also fit the bill of 'wreaths' by the way 😛

Agnès painted a classic wreath in a very alternative way! You can read all about it in her blog (where I also nicked this photo because it is so much better than mine...)

 Anna-Karin started her own version of Christmas cards in her personal and attractive style...
More of this in the next post!
Michele C. finished her Funny Santa, Brilliant!!

Jane started the cards too - I think the finished tree and the other two are great - but most of all I love the Robin!!

Brigitte is back - and she worked on a couple of Xmas cards to get into it again. 
They will be so nice when they are finished! Next time - the results...

Sylvie D finished  two paintings, the ballet dancer - with a tremendous light, and the falling autumn leaves below, with so much atmosphere!

And we end with a work in progress by Cathie... The velvet is so soft already

NB: Michele F. & Sandra SD's  paintngs were so good - but my pictures didn't do them justice (to put it mildly) So Sorry - I owe them an extensive mention in the next post!

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