Monday, 11 December 2017

Candle light in watercolours

 Candlelight and an open Elia B.
Subject du jour: Candle light... The work is not yet done, but some of the half-way finished works are already so awesome... The most important is, that the candle light, yellow as it may be, is the lightest part of the total image. Even the reflection is darker. That said, Elia did not make the reflection darker and  look at her picture (above) Stunning!!
 Brigitte's candle is perfect - in shape and colour, and so is the flame - and it will work even better after she has painted the background!! More next post...

 Sylvie D.'s abstraction of candlelight. As always very original - and high expectations for stage II when the rest of the dark parts is added!! 
Michele C. worked hard on her copper candles. She is not happy yet, but everyone else, yours truly included, immediately recognized the quality - watch this space for the finished aquarelle.

A serious work of art by Carol. What do you think about the deeper meaning here? Makes you think, doesn't it...

 The Christmas cards by Anna-Karin... She made colours of the left one a bit stronger and put wishes for a Merry Xmas and a Happy new year in English and Swedish -click to enlarge!

 The awesome wreath, now perfected, by Michele C. What a fantastic painting it has become. Chapeau Michele!!

 A new card series! This one is created by Brigitte. Well done, the Xmas baubles are very well done! Shadows work don't they?

Other subjects were investigated too! Liz worked on a lighthearted picture of boats huddling together....

 Agnès started this gorgeous butterfly, it brings vague memories of summer...

  Cathie's work... That velvet is amazing. The shadow is not in the painting, it is mine, hadn't noticed, sorry!

 And how about this exciting still life!! 
A stack of books about to fall, a ball of wool about to roll... I see it too now Liz!!

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