Monday, 18 December 2017

Watercolour painting in the Hangar

 Carol's still life now finished and awesome!
After a heavy Christmas lunch together with Nelly's oil group, only 5 brave Aquarellistas + yours truly had it in them to paint! But paint we did and it wasn't half bad...
 Michele continued with the bronze candles! The metal works - the ribbon is lovely, only a bit more dark in the background and it will be such a strong aquarelle!

 Cathie is working on yet another impressive piece - this time a delicate velvet purse with amazing jewelry... to be continued, watch this space!

Brigitte worked on her candle below, and while the washes dried, she created more Christmas cards... The candle has come out very strong:

 Michele is very inspired by the gentle flames and started another. To be perfected next week - but already seriously poetic

 Liz is in the fist stages of the Taj Mahal. Such a good drawing! The colours will come - as will the reflection. Watch this space! 

This blog started with Carol's still life, it ends with a very alive heron. The watercolour is not yet finished - but already impressive! 

More  next week when we have our last session of 2017!!!

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