Monday 21 October 2019

Fountains in Aquarelle

Brenda's paintng, based on the Michael Reardon fountain. She really understands the light and the contrast. It will be darker when finished - but a wonderful painting already!

The past 2 Zen Watercolour sessions on Tuesday and Thursday, we have spent painting 'fountains'. It was such a wonderful subject! Almost everybody participated - and on Thursday; when we share the space with Marina T's pastel group, Peter also started a fountain in pastels! I post it below because it is such fun to see the difference. As examples we used photos of fountains, but the most popular were Michael Reardon's fountains in watercolours. The man is great and we'll definitely use him more often to understand a subject.... I've put a link to his website in the column 'Aquarellista Websites'  on the right.Tons of youtube videos as well! Anyway, enthusiasm all over - and here are the results!

In  Judith's version the effect of the white (water) is very strong, well done! 

 Hélène painted a more modern fountain, not using masking but washing away a bit of the colour here and there.

Sonya will finishh this fountain after her holidays and -standard comment- with some contrast added it will work so well! Looking forward to seeing it finished.
 Glen took another Michaell Reardon example and achieved a wonderful stream of water drops!

Jutta clearly has stuff to do to the bottom of her painting - but you can already see that this is going to be very very good!!

 Sylvie D. had her own original take on the subject (of course!) and started a 'poor man's' fountain. Not yet finished, but the water that flows out of the pipe is simply breathtaking.

 Marie-Françoise started light and careful and will add the contrast and darker parts later, to get more balance in her painting. But as you can see, the effect of water is already there!

 Sue's version of the running water drps, she used her own colourscheme and I am delighted with it!

Celina combined a Reardon watercolour with 2 photo's and achieved her usual clarity and clear lines! Also note the wet-in-wet background that is an extra contrast!

Sofar we saw masking fluid, washing and leaving white as techniques, I added one that looks promising as well: scratching. All the white spatters are scratched out with a knife.

Peter is tackling the same subject with pastels! Will he nail it? Will it look as good as the watercolours? We'll see once it is finished and I will post the result here later...

There were many more paintings created that will feature another blogpost, but I did want to proudly show you the latest 'fabric' paintings because they are awesome!!!
In random order:






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