Monday, 26 July 2021

Aloë Vera-inspired watercolours (beneficial for mind and body)

Last time we got together we chose a lovely subject, that could cool us down a bit. A beautiful plant: the Aloe Vera. Most people know that it has many qualities. For skincare it is antibacterial and soothing. It contains minerals, vitamins and other essential micronutrients. It is beautiful to look at - and seriously, it was calming for us to paint one, we can recommend it! I made a video of the one I painted on Thursday. The video is one full hour, so I will need to edit it to make it a bit shorter - and I will post during the holidays. The excellent results (and more to come) of the participating Aquarellistas are shown here:

Jutta started with a couple of different pictures to work from and connected them in this wonderful painting. Dew drops will appear next week when the masking is removed!

Brenda created this plant based composition in a very short time after she had finished the bird cage. Next week it will get some dew drops too and then it will be ready to hang in a Spa!

Marina (=me) created this version and the Making Of demo will be published in the holidays (for me that's 'August') You will see that I didn't concentrate much on the sharp points, just leaving them out worked really well and your brain does the rest!

Liz combined  some Aloe Vera leaves, ready for use, with a beautiful background and an amazing, long thin cage (last week's subject, still in masking fluid) in the foreground.

In completely different shades and execution, Brenda had a similar composition in mind. The photo is very bad, but you can probably still see that it is a real piece of art, with an amazing story behind it!

Last week I told you about the cages, simply drawn with the back of the brush on wet-paint paper. Here's one (will also be a demo in August) with an unrelated dew drop next to it. Also a demo-to-be... Watch this space - or your mail if you are subscribed. If you want to subscribe, here's the link

Cathie finished her 'Valbonne' commission!! It looks so good - she is the Master of Salt! (meaning that she really understands the effect and texture of salt when mixed with watercolour paint)

Sue finished her sunny flower shop painting and although it is somewhat based on a picture, it has her signature spontaneity and loose style, actually adding a lot! And below a portrait of a black labrador-friend. So well painted, and a total example of her spontaneous style. She will also create a neat one that is black. That will no doubt be gorgeous too - but if I'm honest, I would choose this one...

And to close off with a different but also very soothing painting, here's the finished daisy by Jutta. Peaceful and warm are the words that come to mind. And of course 'well done Jutta!'


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