Monday, 12 July 2021

Versions of a landscape in Watercolours


On the desk in the Hangar was a book with watercolour-lessons, that I was leafing through and I found some good stuff for our group to use. I took photographs and would of course have given credit to the author - but the book disappeared! If you recognize the pictures above, let me know  who painted it/wrote the book. Thanks in advance! Anyway - we used the beach, the landscape and the flower shop to paint our own versions,. 

The Landscape.

Starting with the Landscape - Jutta aimed to make hers a bit more happy - and for that reason she cleverly added wild lavender. You van almost smell it, that's how good this looks. And certainly brings the viewer in a good mood... (Work in progress, finished version with masking removed next post)

Introducing Léonie, Brenda's 7(!)-year old granddaughter. She visited us and worked along with the grown-ups. This is her take on the landscape, with pink-purple hills in the background, beautiful green dunes, a brilliant blue sky and - square. No Help needed, well done girl! O - and she painted this in under 15 minutes, so there's more paintings and drawings below in the 'In the meantime section...

Here's the interpretation of Ingrid. She took the actual picture as her challenge, although she did change the colouring somewhat. To achieve the sky, she used what I gave her as 'granulation medium' - but it turned out to be texture medium (my bad). She made it work anyway though and it looks really good.

I always enjoy to see the different versions.Here's Hélène's version, quite light hearted. It is such a lovely hilly landscape and although it is very much summer, it must be raining regularly, is is still quite lush .
The Beach.
Our 'Correspondent' in Bretagne was tempted by the flowershop but chose to paint her version of the beach - you can see that she sees this all the time from her window, Such a wonderful, happy interpretation!
Brenda finished the mermaid and the doodle, and  just started with her Beach - next post you'll see what this will look like with Brenda's colours!

And the awesome 'Flower shop' was chosen bu Sue. She clearly has a knack for light and shadow! She will finish it next week, can't wait to see it!

 In the meantime:
 Hélène practised a lot in the past weeks that she spent in Corsica. These watercolours are all painted 'plein air'. Super cool!  
Cathie has a commission for a watercolour of a very well known arch in our favourite village Valbonne.
She started with a drawing, and worked up to here (with a one-hair brush)

Celina has  further developed her negative-space composition. What I find brilliant is the layering, first you see a couple of branches and leaves, then you notice that they are lying on a checkered surface and then finally that that surface has its effect on the leaves!

The drip in Celina's pour has undergone some tweaks. Interesting! More later..

Above Judith's latest veil - and below the growth of the project in one-day steps...

Brenda finished her painting of the lovely Charlie (Léonie's sister) who posed with her sisters' mermaid costume. It's beautiful in so many respects... And she finished her Doodle - added some details that 
make the effect of the meandering shapes stronger. Such a crazy painting! Love it!

and we finish this blogpost with the four other artworks that Léonie carefully painted and drew. A butterfly that flies in front of a girls' face, an apple tree in wet-in-wet technique and one in wet on dry. And last but not least, a beautiful heart. It was fub to have her around, we hope she'll return!

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