Last week (as well as next) the Aquarellistas Painted Roses. It is a very 'watercolour thing to do, and it is pretty difficult, especially if you want to work precise and realistic. A rose is so typical, there are so many details and shadows and light. And it is very confusing, all those little leaves. That said - the results are pretty amazing... Have a look for yourself below:

Anne did this awesome job. She started with watercolours 6 weeks ago, just finished the exercises and look what happened last Tuesday!! I am so happy to have this new Aquarellista in our group!

Anne did this awesome job. She started with watercolours 6 weeks ago, just finished the exercises and look what happened last Tuesday!! I am so happy to have this new Aquarellista in our group!

Martine did a serious study to the light and shadows and then created this unbelievably delicate rose. It needs a background now to 'bring it out'. Well done sofar!

Work in progress by Thecla. It is already very much a rose, with its' bent leaves and soft light and shadow. The colour is better in real life, hopefully I can show you that next week

Sue did it again, loose style, great contrasting colours, bold - and spot on! And it looks realistic although it is pretty stylized.

Work in Progress by Brenda. This is going to be an amazing, subtle purple flower. Well, it is something she has proven to be very good at!

Ingrid painted this amazing, simple, almost abstract rose. Wonderful!

Work in progress by Sonya - already gorgeous and it will be so beautiful and rewarding when it is finished, but what a challenge!! Brave girl ๐

I gave it a try too, but unfortunately the example disappeared and I couldn't reconstruct the volume, so it is a bit flat. Still recognisable as a rose though.

Michele didn't paint a rose but set herself to these lemons, using complementary colours purple and yellow - and look how well that works, they jump from the paper...

Judith is on an amazing trip through portrait-land and today that brings you an amazing Chippendale Pharaoh - what a comments this painting derived ๐
And then beck to the serious work, this family member. What a light and what an expression. She will probably show you the final result next week! Can't wait

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