Monday, 19 February 2024

Mimosa in watercolours

Last session we devoted to painting Mimosa - the beautiful fluffy yellow flowers that our whole region (Cote d'Azur) is full of this month. We worked with pictures as inspiration and had to do without the wonderful scent of the actual flowers - but still  it was fabulous and the results SO good!

Corinne painted these huge fluffy mimosas with a beautiful light (next to the Dali Elephants painting below)

Another type of detail by Charlie, well done and gorgeous! You can almost smell them.

Anne's classic mimosa in front of a beautiful blue sky has so much spring in it!

Martine started with the loose painting above. It was so light and special that I exceptionally took a pic, also to show that you don't even need yellow to see it is mimosa but I had to take that back, the next version with yellow is showing it better

Elizabeth is our newest Aquarellista and as you can see she already fits in completely, with her own style!!

Glen experimented with wet-in-wet, the result is above and it is actually awesome! And she also painted a more classic one - but with a landscape in the background that gives it an unexpected depth

Roxane has painted (and drawn) several versions that I didn't photograph and this one is not finished but it will be and you can already see that it will have an amazing volume and depth! Love it.

Before she painted the mimosa, Elizabeth started with the spheres exercise and did a terrific job on it, they jump from the paper!.

Corinne's version of the Dali Elephants is so subtle, and clearly has a desert storm coming.

Martine's painting has come out so strong. Note that the red is even better in real life!

Charlie's Elephant has almost all the details now and is waiting for a subtle background with a low horizon that will show how huge this cute young animal actually is!

The cutest dragon in the world, finished in the best way possible, by Anna Karin. With a big pointed brush, full of paint, tenderly applied. This baby is ready to leave the nest.

And Last but by no means Least!!! 
Sylvie is back, we were all very happy about that and she continued with her Koi Karps and Lotus flowers...Exiting stuff to come.

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