Vanessa painted this wonderful and quite surrealistic modern still life with coffee cup and tomatoes. It is very well chosen, painted and executed!

Anne created an awesome still life, and Michele picked the same! Both excellent:

And an exceptionally cool still life by Thecla - if you look at it for a while it begins to move and speak to you!

Geneviève painted a funny still life with a kitten that sits very still!
This lovely and well-painted froggie comes from last week's challenge. It was created by Ingrid and I had forgotten to take a picture, such a shame - but the good part is that it gets more well-deserved attention now.

As usual (no pressure) Anne worked at home with watercolours and this time painted her hortensias!

Brenda finished her rose and how! We all agreed she did a very good job on that dark background, wow!

In the portrait-departnment, Judith did it again! What a lot of light and sun and shine in this portrait...

First version of selfie by Thecla. It is already very well done, and taught us that using lighter colours gives weird effects here and there. This will be different in version 2!

Brenda has not used light colours, the yellow is masking fluid! Going to be super good! More next blog...
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