This is the one...
Once in a while we take a famous painting and create our own version. So far it has been a success, with for instance 'the Kiss' of Klimt, 'The Cry' by Munch, 'Girl with the pearl earring', and many more. Fun to do and fun to see the different interpretations - or amazing clever copies!!

Märta is the Hangar teacher who will take the Aquarellista group in August. It will be so great to do watercolours with someone who is super talented, comes from a totally different background and teaches in a different style - but it remains expression in watercolours!!
Anyway, she joined us and painted this interpretation. I LOVE it!!

This fabulous Affiche is created by Hanneke, my talented sister, who changed at least 10 important elements in her version. One of them is the feminist approach. You 'll find the others. Yet she kept the character of the original. I am very proud and also full of admiration.

Two different watercolours by Anna (could have been 3, she was on a roll) And I absolutely adore the one below!! It is so recognizable and very smart to zoom in and tell the story that way. Kudos!

Those who know Thecla, know that this subject is quite far from what she likes to do when she has a choice, yet the great thing is that she took the challenge and came up with this original and lovely version, tender and touching.

Then there were the exact copies, and they were so spot-on! I hope I have the creators correct! This one I think is painted by Martine, she used black gouache for the audience in the background 😀

This one I am pretty sure is created by Avril, because I remember I loved that green background, both on the floor as in the sky

And this must be Anne, who wanted to make the background very vague by washing it out - and then decided to keep it because it looks light enough and it's always risky to wash only a part...

I did an interpretation too and had enormous fun with it!!

Judith was too inspired to do a poster, she worked on this portrait and it has everything going for another brilliant result. What a beautiful person, expression, eyes, smile, light... Can't wait to see the next stage.
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