Monday, 6 May 2024

Silhouettes - a wonderful subject for watercolours!

Our last Aquarellista session was dedicated to painting 'Silhouettes' on a (colourful) background. It was a success, what fun to create a crazy background, with big brushes, bright colours, lots of pigment, salt, you name it. Then let it dry and paint a refined, dark silhouette of choice on top of it. Sounds simple doesn't it! Of course it isn't really, and lots of things can go wrong, but - fabulous result! See below...

This wonderful painting was created by Roxane. No colour explosion, but  it is so peaceful and happy, and it has all the qualities you need in a strong background-foreground painting. I absolutely love it!

This subject was very much up Thecla 's street and she managed to paint two different ones, both fabulous with a lot of strong light. Well done!

Anne has been very busy this last session, you will see more by her further in this post - and the painting above was created while the other two dried. Nevertheless great work! and original.

Same for Anna, while her 'main' painting dried, she painted this male deer or elk with antlers. Great and powerful Silhouette!

Ingrid was inspired by the same example as Thecla and it is always so good to see how different personalities have a different take on something!

Janine has joined our Thursday group and started really well. She painted these two ballerinas, starting with the blue below to practise and then the red one - larger and very very good! Happy to have her back!

Elisabeth is in Sweden at the moment and paints with us from there. Doing a wonderful job every week! She chose the elk and adds that they have some  wild ones around where she lives. Here is one, looking out over the forest in the sunset.

Anna Karin painted this impressive background on rough grain paper - it will have some bird silhouettes later. Such a pity that you can't see the rich-ness of the colours, that are a mixture of Raw Sienna, Opera Rose and Indigo. On screen it just looks dark blue...

Anna is working on a large size watercolour. It is nice to see how she is building up the pretty complicated colours of the metal cork screw, starting here with blue. More in next blogs

Ingrid also worked on this Lion King and Gaugin- inspired watercolour with a high feel-good factor!

And then some works that will be on show in the Hangar-exhibition: Roxane's sweet peas, watercolours on Canvas are amazing!!

And Sylvie's earthenware jars, so much sun and colour in this painting, also Watercolour on canvas

And Anne's absolutely stunning water fort with a strong and beautiful Couleur Locale. Watercolour on paper that will be mounted on canvas. And she finished her caterpillar. That lady delivers!

And last but by no means least, a very zen beautiful painting by Martine, around meditation and wisdom to overcome grief and challenge. Already visible although she has not even started the actual figure.

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